2017 Celebrations Ahead

Next year will mark several anniversaries in the history of our Soto Zen practice community: 30 years since Zoketsu Norman Fischer first came to lead a retreat in Vancouver, 15 years since Mountain Rain Zen Community was founded, having grown out of Karuna Meditation Society, and 5 years since we opened the Wall Street zendo. In addition, our guiding teacher Norman, has recently sent a letter to the Mountain Rain sangha, via the Council, proposing that he step down as guiding teacher, and our resident teachers be named guiding teachers of Mountain Rain. Council has accepted on behalf of the membership. This occasion will be marked by two ceremonies in the new year. If you would like to read Norman's letter please click Download PDF. Stay tuned for news of celebrations in 2017!

Words from the Teachers

Dear Sangha friends,

It’s chilly and rainy outdoors here at Blue Mountain Zendo and the gas fireplace is lighting up its false logs, with flames that are comforting nonetheless, except for the thought that the gas may have been fracked from the earth of northern BC, leaving poisoned water and air where inhabitants are few to heat the homes of the many. This past Saturday (Labour Day weekend) an intrepid sangha crew worked through rain, drizzle and sun breaking through to reveal vivid blue sky and warm our backs as we spread manure, cut back invasive blackberries, and prepared the garden for its dormant season. (Big bows of gratitude!) Working, walking, opening our senses outdoors, preparing and eating food grown from this local soil remind us of how close we are to the earth systems on which our lives depend.
Our bodhisattva vows ask us live a life of awakening to our non-separateness from each other and from our environment, a life of non-harming, of benefit to all beings. But in the face of such complex systemic threats to the well-being of all beings, how can we respond? And how does the Buddhadharma support us to do so with wisdom, compassion, determination, patience and skillful means? This will be the theme of our 2017 practice period, and also of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association’s Biannual meeting titled Responding to the Cries of the World—Soto Zen Priests and Sanghas in an Age of Climate Change and Social Suffering
Warm bows,
Myoshin Kate and Shinmon Michael

Reflections on the 2016 Japan Pilgrimage

The 2016 Japan Trip Pilgrims at Rinso-in Temple with Suzuki Shunryu Roshi's son Abbot Hoitsu Roshi, his wife, grand-daughter-in-law and grandson. 

The 2016 Japan Trip Pilgrims at Rinso-in Temple with Suzuki Shunryu Roshi's son Abbot Hoitsu Roshi, his wife, grand-daughter-in-law and grandson. 

Dear dharma friends,

We’ve been back from Japan almost a month now. Barely a week after we got back, we had a wonderful ZenYU day-retreat here at Blue Mountain Zendo, followed by Mountain Rain’s annual potluck and general meeting. And last week we attended Samish Island sesshin, Red Cedar Zen’s yearly week-long sesshin with Norman Fischer.  So we’re still reflecting on our time in Japan and the mysterious connection we have with that country, its people, landscape and culture. We shared some reflections in our talks on the day of the AGM, which are posted on the website if you’d like to listen. And we’ll probably have more to say in the weeks to come.
A few highlights:

  • sitting in the zendo at Suzuki Roshi’s temple, Rinso-in, the ancestors so close
  • all those stairs at Eiheiji temple, imagining the monks in winter
  • the meal at Enryakuji Temple, the meals at the hot springs inn—oh, and the meals at Jimyo-in Temple…
  • green moss, blue hydrangeas, dark wood of temples
  • Japanese sweets passed around on the bus, more sweets, yet more sweets
  • listening to flying squirrels chitter in the cemetery in ancient cedar forest of Mount Koya
  • matcha ice cream, cherry blossom ice cream, black sesame ice cream, soba ice cream…
  • Hojo-sama (Suzuki Roshi’s son, the present abbot) saying “We are the same kafū (family wind).”

 We want to thank our wonderful fellow pilgrims who shared so openly their wonderings as we wandered, and those who kept the practice going so faithfully at the zendo in our absence. It’s good be home again.

Warm bows,
Myoshin Kate and Shinmon Michael

New Year's Greetings from the Teachers

Yaza at Rohatsu   Photo by Marlee Hosho Ross

                    Dear sangha friends,

Once again this year on New Year’s Eve the zendo was full to capacity with people who chose to begin the New Year by sitting in community, renewing their aspiration to cultivate peace in their hearts, families, communities and world.  We can take heart that so many people all over the world are refusing to bow to fear and discouragement in the face of the greed, hatred and ignorance that continue to cause so much suffering. So many people in small and large-scale ways are choosing to speak and act to make a difference, to nurture the beautiful diversity of life on this planet.

Our practice of the Buddha Way is certainly not the only way that supports living a life of non-harming and of benefit to others. But at the turning of the year, as the lengthening days stir an ancient sense of wonder in us, it’s a good time to reflect on what we value most, and how our practice gives us the capacity and resilience to be true to our values. How amazing that the simple practice of paying scrupulous attention to our moment to moment experience opens us to the truth of our boundless interconnection with all beings. A simple practice, but it’s not easy! We all need the support of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Please know that your sincere practice gives us the courage to continue. We look forward to another year of practicing together in community.

In gratitude with deep bows,

Myoshin Kate and Shinmon Michae

Words from the teachers


Dear sangha friends,

We hope that today you have stood, walked, breathed, worked, even danced in the rain. The first thing I did after getting up was to go outside in the downpour and lower the plastic covering over our tomatoes (yes, in our climate they need protection from the rain). The air smelled so good, as though the earth, grass, and trees, had breathed a huge sigh of relief.

How we take for granted the basic elements that support our lives: earth, water, fire and air. Yet too much or too little of each, and we perish. On such intricately balanced systems our lives depend. When will we humans be humbled enough by earth systems we ourselves have disrupted to give them more care and respect?

In July, 26 participants attended our first Mountains and Waters Sesshin at Sea to Sky Retreat Center. We practiced outdoors much of the time, looking directly into the nature of mountains and waters, which is our nature.  Soon after that Michael and I spent two beautiful weeks hiking in the Rockies. We saw shrinking glaciers, forests recovering decades after wildfires, wildflowers past their peak but still lovely, Perseid meteors despite smoky haze, and an amazing array of mushrooms! We walked, looked, listened, and opened to the dharma of the mountains and waters. We hope you have received the wisdom and nourishment of earth-dharma over the summer, too.

Now that the rains have come, and the days are growing shorter, it is time to return to the zendo and sit together in stillness, study dharma, and apply our practice in our everyday lives. Fall Practice Period is an opportunity to strengthen and intensify our practice with the support of community. We want to encourage you to read the Practice Period Guide and Schedule and consider how you might like to participate.

Warm bows,

Myoshin Kate McCandless and Shinmon Michael Newton


Stanley Glacier, Kootenay National Park