Myōshin’s Bookshelf
Note: I had hoped to assemble a list of readings referenced in my 2023 dharma talks, since many of you have asked for book titles and author names, and now it’s almost June, 2024… so, here are the titles from 2023 talks AND from 2024!.
As you know, I am an omnivorous reader, and I love finding dharma all around and in unexpected places. Here is a sampling. Please enjoy.
2024 talks
Turtle Dharma
On Time and Turtles, Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell, by Sy Montgomery
Tsimtsum: Practicing Restraint
The Taste of Silence, by Bieke Vandekerckhove
Notes on Silence
In Pursuit of Silence, film by Patrick Shen and Cassidy Hall (available on YouTube), and companion book Notes on Silence
Celebrating our Women Ancestors
Women Living Zen by Paula Arai
Love in the Time of Climate Crisis
Orion Magazine, Winter, 2023. Courting Disaster: Romance in the Climate Crisis
Hope for the New Year
Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by Rebecca Solnit, 2003
Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility edited by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua
Practices for Pilgrimage
The Narrow Road to the Deep North, Basho, translated by Sam Hamill
Easter talk
The Love of Impermanent Things by Mary Rose O’Reilly
“Spring” poem by Mary Oliver
Earth Day talk
Dirt: the Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, by William Bryant Logan
2023 talks
Bodhisattvas in Our Midst
Artist Tsuneko Kokubo website: photos of her paintings, films of her dance and costume design, with interviews about her life and work.
Bodhisattvas Without Borders
Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky (poetry)
Orion Magazine, Winter, 2022. Ilya Kaminsky interviews three Ukrainian women writers with excerpts from their work.
Jaan Kaplinski Estonian poet - any of his work
The Quiet in Me, by Patrick Lane (poetry)
“Poetry, Permeability and Healing” essay by Jane Hirschfield