Engaged Buddhist Practice

Engaged Buddhist Practice takes our meditation practice off the cushion into the world through social and ecological service and action. Mountain Rain sponsors periodic workshops, study groups and guest speakers in support of engaged Buddhist practice. The group puts out an occasional newsletter with information, links, initiatives, and messages from sangha members who wish to link-up to participate in specific Engaged Buddhist activities. 


We meet online monthly. Our next meeting is:

  • March 10

  • April 14

  • May 12

Next Nature Walk:


Speak up, (W)right Away: letter writing in care of all beings

Our next letter writing is Monday March 24, at 7pm. Please join us online HERE -

Let’s support each other in practicing right speech, voicing our concerns regarding current social/environmental/climate issues. Let’s find ways to express wisdom and compassion in response to the issues that concern us most deeply.

We hope that the resources below will inspire you to write and send your own letters.

Who to send your letters to - Find MLA by community -