Many Communities: One Sangha

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Many Communities: One Sangha

from CA$0.00

Many sanghas report that they are committed to, and have been working for, greater equity and inclusion in their sanghas for many years, with disappointing results. Some sanghas are just beginning this journey, and wondering where to start. We believe that this course will help sanghas grapple with the most difficult and pivotal questions and barriers they face as they seek to transform their communities.

The course was designed as an online facilitated community inquiry to support and energize sanghas and dharma practitioners seeking to create more equitable, inclusive communities.

We invite you to join in deep inquiry and practice to investigate how we can create the ongoing conversation in our dharma communities and our lives that will allow us to create community spaces that provide safety, dignity and belonging to as diverse a group of people as possible.

The course materials include dharma talks, panel discussions, journaling, and prompts for small and large group discussions, supported by embodied practices that support our capacity to be in the difficult conversations that lead to real change.

SFZA suggests valuing the course at $150 per person, but MRZC suggests paying as much or as little as you are able.

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