This retreat will be offered online using Zoom, on a sliding scale basis. Please attend as much as you are able (schedule below). Pre-registration (below) is appreciated, but not essential. Please scroll down for: detailed schedule, PDF of chants, PDF of equanimity phrases, registration, and Zoom link and tips on using Zoom.
At this annual retreat we focus on an aspect of bodhisattva practice. This year we will take up the practice of equanimity, one of the four brahma viharas or Noble Abodes, along with loving-kindness, compassion and joy, practices that support and balance each other. We will learn the meditative practices of equanimity and deepen our understanding of what it means to practice equanimity in a world where there is so much suffering.
The retreat will include periods of zazen (sitting meditation), guided equanimity practices, kinhin (walking meditation), dharma talks each day. Dokusan, individual meetings with the teacher, may be scheduled separately.
Dokusan: At this point in e-skill level, it’s a bit of a stretch to offer dokusan concurrently with the retreat. Dokusan can be scheduled with either Michael or Kate by phone or Zoom by emailing You can put dokusan with Michael, Kate or either in the subject line.
Everyone welcome, whether you are new to Zen practice or experienced.
You are welcome to attend all or any part/s of the retreat.
Shinmon Michael Newton is co-guiding teacher of Mountain Rain Zen Community.
Schedule: Saturday and Sunday
8:50 Zoom open
9:00 Robe chant, Orientation, Zazen
9:30 Kinhin
9:40 Zazen
10:10 Kinhin
10:20 Dharma Talk
11:00 Kinhin
11:10 Zazen
11:40 Kinhin
11:50 Service
12:00 Lunch/Break offline
1:50 Zoom open
2:00 Zazen
2:30 Kinhin
2:40 Zazen with guided equanimity practice
3:10 kinhin
3:20 Zazen
4:10 Kinhin
4:20 Reflection circle
4:50 Pali Refuges
5:00 Closing
Chants for the Retreat: Download PDF
Phrases Equanimity practice: Download PDF
This online retreat is offered on a sliding scale $20-$40-$60-$80 depending on your means and how much you attend. It is open to everyone regardless of ability to pay. If you are financially challenged and feel you cannot contribute at this time, please just email the registrar and let her know you will be participating:
Teacher Dana
Retreat fees do not go to the teachers. Teacher dana (donations) may be e-transferred to
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the registrar at
Tips of Using Zoom
As best you can, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. If you have a home altar, you can light a candle and/or incense, or create a simple altar, if you can.
Please mute your phones, for your own sake and others.
Try to be settled in your seat ten minutes before the zazen period begins., or if you are joining midway in a block of zazen, try to enter during kinhin. See the detailed schedule above. Zoom automatically mutes your audio when you join, so please don’t worry too much.
You will find the audio mute bottom on the lower left of your Zoom screen. On the upper right is a button that gives you a choice between gallery (everyone) or speaker (the person speaking) view.
During zazen it quiets the visual field if you “face the wall” by turning off your video, or turning your laptop to face the wall, or other neutral surface. You can “face inward” during dharma talks and service.
Unfortunately it does not work for us all to chant with audio on—too much feedback—so please chant along with the hosts (Kate and Michael), but you won’t be able to hear each other. Please see above for PDF of the chants for the retreat.
At the end of each day of the retreat we will have a talking “circle”. Each person will have the chance to share a brief practice reflection. (It is fine to pass.)
Click here: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 627 956
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