As the Covid-19 restrictions begin to lift, we still cannot safely gather in the Wall St. zendo, but let’s not wait to follow up on last year’s successful May Soiree. Please join the Mountain Rain sangha for a light-hearted evening of music, stories. poetry and skits. (Do you have any good ideas for how to do a skit on Zoom?) No special talent required. Just a willingness to share and have fun. We'd like to make up a program in advance, so if you would like to offer a song, instrumental piece, poem, story, or skit, please contact Jessica at If there is extra time, we’ll have an open mic at the end.
Everyone is welcome! No RSVP needed.
Michael Newton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Zoom link: click here
Meeting ID: 860 7483 6777 Password: 732412
One tap mobile: +16475580588,,86074836777#,,1#,732412# Canada
+17789072071,,86074836777#,,1#,732412# Canada