After two pandemic years of being unable to practice together in this way, we are happy to offer this retreat again in the beautiful setting of Sea to Sky Retreat Centre, on the shores of Daisy Lake, between Squamish and Whistler. Registration details below.
Note: There is no wifi available at the zendo for this retreat, so it will not be offered on Zoom, but the dharma talks will be posted daily, and will be available on the website under Teachings by late afternoon. For those who would like to participate in some way at home, click here, for a PDF of the sesshin schedule. To add names to the well-being (Monday noon) and memorial (Wednesday evening) service dedications click here. Please do so by the day before.
During this week-long (7-nights) silent retreat we will follow a traditional Zen sesshin (intensive retreat) schedule, incorporating periods of outdoor walking and sitting meditation in the beautiful forest setting. This is an opportunity to experience the daily rhythms of residential Zen practice and settle deeply into the stillness of the surrounding forest. The retreat will include sitting and walking meditation, both in the zendo and outdoors, dharma talks, and dokusan (individual meetings) with the teachers. We will eat Zen-style meals (oryoki). Instructions provided.
This year’s theme will be Koans of Mountains, Waters and the Great Earth. We will explore and practice directly with some of the Zen koans that open us to our true nature through the elements and beings of this great earth, our home.
This retreat will not be offered on Zoom, because of lack of wifi at the venue, but dharma talk recordings will be posted on the website.
Myoshin Kate McCandless and Shinmon Michael Newton are the guiding teachers of Mountain Rain Zen Community.
Single rooms are available in the Main Lodge, and Retreat House with shared washrooms. Please indicate on your registration under comments if you have mobility issues, that limit ease of walking or using stairs. Single rooms may be limited, and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis , also considering health and mobility issues. We will do our best to accommodate requests.
Single tents are also available. Indoor washrooms are nearby all tents. Tents are spacious and equipped with mattress and bedding.
Shared (double) rooms are available in the Retreat House. and Main Lodge. We encourage you to choose a roommate if you know someone who is attending. Please decide together and let the registrar know.
* Snoring: If you know you snore, please select a single room or single tent, out of consideration for others.
Scholarships: A limited number of partial scholarships are available. Please contact to inquire.
Retreat fees and teacher dana.
Retreat fees vary according to accommodation type.
Retreat fees cover expenses, and do not go to the teachers. There will be an opportunity to give a donation/dana to the teachers at the retreat.