The final day of Loon Lake online sesshin will conclude with the traditional shuso’s dharma inquiry ceremony. Shuso Kakuko Kaye Simard will receive dharma questions from participants in the practice period and/or sesshin. We are planning for a very limiited number or people to be in-person at the Wall St. zendo, but everyone is invited to attend on Zoom. (Link below)
Questions for the shuso should be concise and should come from the heart of your practice. There is no need to be tricky or Zenny. The shuso will respond spontaneously, and participants may ask one follow-up question if moved to do so. This is a practice of raising up the dharma together.
To help the ceremony go smoothly we are asking participants to sign-up in advance. Please sign up Here.
Following the ceremony we will close the practice period with Zoom and in-person talking circles to to share something of your practice period experience: a reflection, poem, song, or visual expression.
Everyone welcome to attend, even it you choose not to ask a question!
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 859 0241 6686
Passcode: 825990
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