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The Engaged Buddhist Practice Group will host a showing of British Columbia: An Untold History followed by discussion.
British Columbia: An Untold History is a four-part documentary series produced by BC‘s Knowledge Network, centred on retelling the history of this place called “British Columbia”. It provides inclusive and diverse perspectives through the voices of the people who lived it and those who have studied it: authors, historians, elders, families, and descendants of historical figures. Spanning 200 years from the late 18th century, history is revealed through interviews, vivid archival photography, film artifacts and captivating footage of the B.C. landscape.
January 19 - 7:00 to 8:45
Episode 1 Change + Resistance: looks at the early Indigenous resistance to settlers in B.C. First Nations people persevered through years of brutality and criminalization - remembering this history is an act of refusal to be erased.
Further Readings:
Daschuk, James. Clearing the Plains. Disease, Politics of Starvation , and the Loss of Indigenous Life. University of Regina Press, Regina, 2019.
Milloy, John S. A National Crime. The Canadian Government and the Residential School System 1879 to 1986. University of Manitoba Press, Winnipeg, 1999.
Manual, Arthur. Unsettling Canada A National Wake-up Call, Between the Lines, Toronto, 2021.
Wilson-Raybould, Jody. True Reconciliation. McCelland & Stuart, Toronto, 2022
February 2 - 7:00 to 8:45
Episode 2 Labour + Persistance explores the history of labour and inequality in B.C. First Nations people, immigrants and women fought overseas in both World Wars and then kept fighting for equal rights at home.
Further Readings:
Mickleburgh, Rod. On the Line: A History of the British Columbian Labour Movement. Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park, 2019.
Lutz, John, Co-editor. Situating Race and Racism in Time, Space and Theory. McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, 2005.
Strong-Boag, Veronica. The Last Suffragist Standing. UBC Press, Vancouver, 2019
Campbell, Lara. A Great Revolutionary Wave: Women and the Vote in British Columbia. UBC Press, Vancouver, 2020
Fukawa, Masako. Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet BC’s Japanese Canadian Fishermen. Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park, 2009
Crawford, Killian. Go Do Some Great Thing: The Black Pioneers of British Columbia 3rd Edition. Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park, 2020.
BC Black History Society https://bcblackhistory.ca/
Hogan’s Alley Society https://www.hogansalleysociety.org/
February 16 - 7:00 to 8:45
Episode 4 Nature + Co-Existence Examines how the history of this land intertwines with the history of natural resources and extraction – and how First Nations have worked with non-Indigenous environmentalists to co-exist and protect the land.
Further Readings:
Barman, Jean. The West Beyond the West : A History of British Columbia University of Toronto Press, 3rd edition, 2007
Francis, Daniel. The Great Chase: A history of World Whaling Penguin, 1991
Lutz, John. Myth and Memory Stories of Indigenous-European Contact UBC Press, 2008
Peyton, Jonathan. Unbuilt Environments : Tracing Postwar Development in Northwest British Columbia UBC Press , 2017
Berman, Tzeporah. This Crazy Time: Living Our Environmental Challenge Vintage Canada, 2012
March 2 - 7:00 to 8:45
Episode 3 Migration + Resilience Indigenous, Chinese, Japanese, Punjabi, Black, and European stories are interwoven to present an astute look at the complicated histories that shaped B.C. and catalyzed social movements.
Further Readings:
The South Asian Canadian Legacy Project https://saclp.southasiancanadianheritage.ca/
Challenging Racist “British Columbia” 150 Years and Counting
Japanese Canadian History
Barman, Jean. The West Beyond the West: A History of British Columbia. University of Toronto Press; 3rd edition, 2007
Belshaw, John. Becoming British Columbia: A Population History. UBC Press; Illustrated edition, 2009
Campbell, Lara, Clement, Dominique and Kealey,Gregory S. Debating Dissent: Canada and the 1960’s. U of T Press; Illustrated edition, 2012
Gayton, Don Landscapes of the Interior. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC, 1996
Hickman, Pamela and Fukawa, Masko. Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Internment in the Second World War. James Lorimer & Company Ltd. Publishers, 2012
Scott, Andrew. The Promises of Paradise: Utopian Communities in British Columbia , Harbour Publishing, 2017.
Wong, David. Escape to Gold Mountain, Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012
Yu, Henry. Seeing Our Uncommon Past in BC Studies No. 156/7: Refracting Pacific Canada,Winter/Spring 2007/08.
(episode summaries taken from the Knowledge Network)
Join us on Zoom to view and discuss the various episodes of this series.