This class is for those who are new to Soto Zen practice and those who have some experience and want to learn more. Guided by Nin-en Susan Elbe and Joko Claire Talbot, time together will include: .
Introduction to Soto Zen,
zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation) and practice forms
Zazen posture, physical aspects, and accessible alternatives to traditional sitting practice
Opportunity to discuss any issues/concerns that you may be encountering during zazen.
Nin-en Susan Elbe received lay ordination in 2003 and priest ordination in 2016. She was shuso for our 2009 practice period. She is a retired city planner and lives in Tsawassen.
Joko Claire Talbot: received lay ordination in 2000. She was shuso for our 2010 practice period, and received lay entrustment from Zoketsu Norman Fischer in 2019. She works as a physician in palliative care and lives in Vancouver.
Location: In person at the Bright Stream temple (5505 Sherbrooke Street, Vancouver, BC)
Fee: This class is offered on a sliding scale basis ($0-20) depending on your means. Everyone is welcome.
Dana: Class fees go to support our programs, not to the teachers. Dana (the practice of generosity) supports their ability to offer the dharma/teachings. Dana can be offered to the teachers by e-transfer, cash or cheque.