Dogen Zenji brought Soto Zen practice from China to Japan in the thirteenth century. His writings have come to be known world-wide for their poetic and paradoxical language, and penetrating depth. Studying Dogen together we can widen and deepen our perspectives on practice.
In Japanese a gathering to study Dogen's Shobogenzo is called a Genzo-e, so after years of having an annual Dogen study retreat we are finally brave enough to use the term. The weekend retreat has grown into a month-long intensive. Last year we studied and practiced with two very long fascicles, "Continuous Practice", parts one and two. This year we will chose several short fascicles, beginning with “Miracles". Our aim is to introduce Dogen’s teaching in a way that is accessible and relevant to our daily lives.
Throughout the month, Wednesday evenings will be dharma seminar format, and Sunday mornings will include a dharma talk. Please join us in whatever way supports your practice.
Links to readings below. Additions will be made as the month progresses.