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Introduction to Zen Practice

  • Mountain Rain Zen Community 2016 Wall Street Vancouver, B.C. Canada (map)

This class is for those who are new to Soto Zen practice and those who have some experience and want to learn more.  Guided by Roshin Carmen Mills and Joko Claire Talbot, time together will include:

  • Introduction to Soto Zen;

  • Zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation) and practice forms;

  •  Zazen posture, physical aspects, and accessible alternatives to traditional sitting practice;

  • Opportunity to discuss any issues/concerns that you may be encountering during zazen.

Roshin Carmen Mills She has practiced with Mountain Rain Zen since 2012, and was ordained as a Zen priest 2024. She has worked in graphic design, volunteer management, bicycle advocacy, and miscellaneous meandering paths.

Joko Claire Talbot: received lay ordination in 2000. She was shuso for our  2010 practice period, and received lay entrustment from Zoketsu Norman Fischer in 2019. She works as a physician in palliative care and lives in Vancouver.

Location: In person at the Wall Street zendo (2016 Wall Street, Vancouver, BC)

Fee: This class is offered on a sliding scale basis ($0-20) depending on your means. Everyone is welcome.

Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest. If you were unable to register for this course but would like to learn, please stay tuned to our events page as we will be offering Introduction to Zen again on April 5. Thank you.