Tonglen, a Tibetan Buddhist compassion practice, means taking in and sending. We take in suffering and send out light, ease and healing.
Guiding Teacher, Myoshin Kate McCandless, has learned this powerful practice from two American teachers of Tibetan Buddhism and will share a step-step sequence to develop the capacity for deep compassion for oneself and others.
Please bring your own lunch. Tea will be provided.
Location: Wall St. Zendo and online
Retreat fee: $40 full fee, $20 reduced fee for those on limited income
Dana: Dana is an ancient Pali word that means generosity. In the Buddhist tradition the teachings are offered freely. Fees only cover expenses, and do not go to the teachers. There will be an opportunity to give a cash/cheque donation/dana on location, or for the paperless inclined: E-transfers for teacher dana is acceptable. Please use