Words from the Teachers - November

Ordination ceremony for Myosen River Shannon and Yuki David Burke

Deep bows of gratitude to everyone who contributed in so many ways to the practice period opening retreat and the ordination ceremony for Myosen River Shannon and Yuki David Burke. We hope you were as moved as we were to see their shining faces (and newly shaved heads), dressed for the first time in Buddha's robes. A monk's initial training consists largely in learning how to get dressed--as those of you who attended the ceremony witnessed. Please support these two new priestlings, as they grow in their support of the sangha. 

What does it mean to ordain as a Zen priest here in Canada in the context of a lay practice community? The answer is a work-in-progress. It's evolving, and is very different from being a priest in a Japanese temple. The Soto Zen Buddhist Association has been working for years to build consensus on standards for full members as dharma transmitted teachers. Opinions vary!

But when we were ordained by our teacher Zoketsu Norman Fischer, he asked us to take up three practices: not-knowing, humility, and seeing all beings as buddha. Then he added bearing witness, and quipped that Bernie Glassman of the Zen Peacemaker's Order, had already claimed that one. We cannot think of a better foundation for our new priests than those practices. And they are not only for priests, but for any of you who set out on the bodhisattva path. You will be in good company.

In closing, we want to say we share the deep concern many of you have expressed about the terrible violence of the latest war on this earth, and the anguish of the Israeli and Palestinian people. May a cease-fire come soon, and may all nations support building an enduring peace, however impossible that may seem. The Buddha taught: Hatred never ceases by hatred; by love alone it is healed. That may sound simplistic in our cynical world, but it is deeply true.

Warm bows,
Myoshin Kate and Shinmon Michael