Going in - rohatsu sesshin

Big thanks to those who packed, loaded and drove.

Our zendo is on the move today as many of us travel to Brew Creek for our first-ever full rohatsu sesshin. To reenact and celebrate the Buddha's long sitting under the bodhi tree until he awakened, looking up at bright Venus in the morning sky, we will sit surrounded by mountain forest, along an icy creek as we approach the shortest days of the year. There's something very still about sitting in a dark zendo at this time. 

Those of you who cannot join in person are warmly invited to come sit with us online even for short periods, to touch and be supported by the sesshin spirit.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 834 9658 7690

Passcode: 448941


On Sunday December 10, we will gather at the Wall St. zendo for a practice period closing circle.