Endowment Fund launched!

August 12 will become an important date in the annals of MRZC,

for that is when the Mountain Rain Zen Community launched its Endowment Fund

It is on August 12, 2024 that the $50,000 minimum requirement to initiate a Transferable Fund with the Vancouver Foundation was reached. This is a huge step for Mountain Rain, one that will help to create long term financial stability and open up creative opportunities in the present.

Over the last three months so many people have come forward with assistance and contributions.  Some of the activities have been: two letters sent out to the membership; the newsletter, blog and social media platforms were used extensively to get the message out; posters and brochures (emblazoned with a freshly design apple tree) were created and displayed everywhere; a matching fund was sponsored by private members - in particular to encourage smaller donations; people spoke of the fund during sangha events and with family and friends.  This has truly been a community wide endeavour. The buy-in was so successful that the additional $15,000 budget allocation was not needed and remains in the MRZC cash reserves.

This is just the beginning.  As of Aug. 22 our fund stands at $53,655 with 96 founding donors.  Until the end of 2024 we will continue to consider all donors to the fund to be founding donors.  'Founding donor' is an honorary title. All donors will remain anonymous yet, everyone who has contributed financially or with service will know they helped to plant the seed.

Donate HERE

With this account at the Vancouver Foundation we have positioned ourselves to encourage and accept legacy gifts. US citizens can receive tax receipts for donations of $1000 or more. Securities, mutual funds, life insurance policies all become vehicles for contributing.  By being part of the Vancouver Foundation we join a vast network of organizations that may be interested in contributing to our fund.

Really the sky's the limit or you might say it is boundless.
This foundation for Mountain Rain's financial future has been laid by the Sangha that is in service to the Buddha and Dharma.

With deepest gratitude
The Fundraising Working Group
Todd, Vicki, Matt, Augusta