Mountain Rain Zen Community is pleased to offer this new Sunday afternoon program for parents/caregivers and children. Together as families we will explore waking up to each moment: to our senses, breath, feelings, and thoughts. We will use a mix of movement, songs, games, bells, meditation, healthy snacks, and other activities and mindfulness exercises.
Bring a special item for the altar if you wish, which you can say a few words about, and take home with you after. This is a a fun way to connect with something special to you and your family, could be an event together, the seasons, or anything with special meaning.
As modelling is the vehicle by which we hope to share our dharma, parents/caregivers are expected to be present and engage in practice with their children during the program. It will be fun!
Facilitated by MRZC practitioners Jizan Sara Ross, Lisa Gibson, Miriam Tratt.