This class is for those who are new to Soto Zen practice and those who have some experience and want to learn more. It will include:
basic instructions in sitting and walking meditation
a brief history of Buddhism
Soto Zen in the context of Buddhism
basic Zen forms and rituals
Please bring a bag lunch. Herbal tea will be provided.
Suggested donation to Mountain Rain Zen Community $10-20. There will also be an envelope for dana (donations) to the teachers.
Nin-en Susan Elbe and Jakushin Todd Slobogean are both long-term Zen practitioners and have served as shuso (head monk) for a Mountain Rain Zen practice period. Susan received priest ordination from Zoketsu Norman Fischer in 2016. She lives and works in Delta. Todd received lay ordination (jukai) from Shinmon Michael Newton and Myoshin Kate McCandless in 2013. He lives in Vancouver.
To register please fill out the form below: