A Trace of Mahapajapati: The Elements of Dharma Transmission Woman to Woman
Zenju Osho will share her personal experience of being transmitted by the renowned Zenkei Blanche Hartman, the first woman Abbess of the San Francisco Zen Center.
Soto Zen Practice in Vancouver, BC
Zenju Osho will share her personal experience of being transmitted by the renowned Zenkei Blanche Hartman, the first woman Abbess of the San Francisco Zen Center.
Wednesday evening dharma seminar on Norman Fischer’s What is Zen?
Four panelists, all dedicated Zen practitioners, will delve into how Zen practice can help us cope with the challenges of aging and how the difficulties of aging can deepen our practice.
Ten-week dharma seminar based on the book Opening the Hand of Thought, by Kosho Uchiyama, with Mountain Rain practice leaders. Part of our regular Wednesday evening practice schedule.
Join us for a panel discussion with three esteemed women teachers of Buddhism who will delve into the intricacies of cultivating healthy boundaries within the spiritual community.
A six-week dharma seminar with Myoshin Kate McCandless. Part of our regular Wednesday evening practice schedule, at both locations.
A recorded talk by Chimyo Atkinson - on Zoom only. The second in SZBA’s series: Celebrating the Voices of Women in Buddhism; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Everyone welcome!
A recorded workshop with Dr. Paula Arai, in-person and on Zoom. The first in SZBA’s series: Celebrating the Voices of Women in Buddhism; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Everyone welcome!
An introductory workshop to mindful, non-violent communication (NVC). Facilitated by Sascha Borrée
A 4-week Wednesday evening dharma seminar with Shinmon Michael Newton
A six-week study/practice group with Myoshin Kate McCandless. Thursday evenings, in person at the Sherbrooke St. practice house and online. By registration only-deadline October 6.
An introduction to Soto Zen practice, with Dai-i Flo Rublee and Nin-en Susan Elbe
A six-week dharma seminar with Shinmon Michael Newton and Myoshin Kate McCandless. Part of our regular Wednesday evening practice schedule.
A Day of Writing with Jaune Evans and Irene Borger
A four-week dharma seminar with Myoshin Kate McCandless.
A four-week dharma seminar with Joko Claire Talbot.
A six-week dharma seminar with Shinmon Michael Newton and Myoshin Kate McCandless
A retreat/workshop with Myoshin Kate McCandless based on the work of Joanna Macy
A day of poetry practice with Myoshin Kate McCandless and Jisan Tova Green at Blue Mountain Zendo.
An introduction to Soto Zen practice, with Dai-i Flo Rublee and Kakuko Kaye Simard. Offered at the Mountain Rain zendo and on Zoom.
An online introduction to Soto Zen practice.
An online introduction to Soto Zen practice.
A four-week dharma seminar with Shinmon Michael Newton
A one-evening dharma seminar with Myoshin Kate McCandless on the sixth and seventh precepts.
A bonus evening with Myoshin Kate McCandless following the 4-week Dharma Seminaron Zenga (Zen painting) with Shinmon Michael Newton,
An online introduction to Soto Zen practice.
A 4-week Wednesday evening online Dharma Seminar with Shinmon Michael Newton
A six-week dharma seminar with shuso Kakuko Kaye Simard. Part of our 2020 practice period.
A seven-week dharma seminar with Myoshin Kate McCandless and Shinmon Michael Newton. Part of our 2020 practice period.
An online class led by sangha leaders Nin-en Susan Elbe and Joko Claire Talbot.
Mountain Rain Zen Community
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Banner: Blue Mountains Walking by Bruce Shotoku Nielsen (2013)