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Soto Zen Basics: an introduction

This class is for those who are new to Soto Zen practice and those who have some experience and want to learn more.   It will include:

  • basic instructions in sitting and walking meditation

  • Soto Zen in the context of Zen and Buddhism

  • basic Zen forms and rituals

This class will offered online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be published here the week before the date.

Teacher: Dai-i Flo Rublee received lay ordination in 1998 and priest ordination in 2010 from Zoketsu Norman Fischer. She was shuso (head student) for our 2008 practice period. She works as a physiotherapist and lives on the Sunshine Coast.

Assistant teacher: Roshin Carmen Mills received lay ordination in March of 2014 from Roshi Joan Halifax of Upaya Zen Center. Carmen lives mostly in Vancouver and Cortes Island and is a writer, a graphic designer, a knitter, a community activator and a maker of mischief.

Fee: This class is offered on a sliding scale basis ($0-20) depending on your means. Everyone is welcome.

Dana: Class fees go to support our programs, not to the teacher. Dana (the practice of generosity) supports their ability to offer the dharma/teachings. Dana can be offered to the teachers by e-transfer.






Later Event: January 10
Sunday Half-day Retreat