Join us for our monthly half-day retreat. We’ll be using our regular Sunday Zoom link, available below.
In lieu of a dharma talk there will be a tribute to Sojun Mel Weitsman, abbot of Berkeley Zen Center, who passed away January , 2021. Sojun Roshi was the teacher of Mountain Rain Zen’s Founding Teacher Zoketsu Norman Fischer, and beloved by his many students and dharma heirs. We will also do a memorial service for him.
This retreat is by donation. No registration required. All are welcome, come for as much as you can!
9:00 zazen
9:30 kinhin
9:40 zazen
10:10 kinhin
10:20 Tribute to Sojun Mel Weitsman
11:00 kinhin
11:10 zazen
11:40 kinhin
11:50 chanting service
Half-Day Retreat 9:00-12:15 please click here. Meeting ID: 812 8351 0157 Passcode: 463177
One tap mobile
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