Filtering by: Sunday Half-Day Retreats

Half-day Retreat and Annual General Meeting
9:00 AM09:00

Half-day Retreat and Annual General Meeting

Please join the Mountain Rain Zen Community for our June half-day retreat and Annual General Meeting. We’re still online, so this year for the first time, we’ll miss sharing delicious potluck fare in good company. But this is still an opportunity to take stock, and co-create a vision that will take us through the pandemic and beyond. What have you appreciated about Mountain Rain Zen Community this past year? What should our priorities be going forward? How can this community best support your practice?


9:00 zazen 9:30 kinhin 9:40 zazen 10:10 kinhin 10:20 dharma talk by Myoshin Kate McCandless “Risking Life” 11:00 kinhin 11:10 zazen 11:40 service 12:00 lunch break 1:00 AGM reports followed by sangha discussion

Topic: Half-day retreat and AGM Time: Jun 14, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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