Jukai (receiving the precepts), also called lay ordination, is a ceremony in which a Zen practitioner makes a formal commitment to practicing the bodhisattva precepts and receives a dharma name, rakusu (small garment in the form of the Buddha’s robe, which they have hand-sewn), and both a traditional lineage paper, and a women’s heritage document.
A group of nine members who have completed a year of precepts study together, have been patiently waiting since the Covid-19 lockdown began. Their jukai had been scheduled for March , but we postponed it when that we changed that weekend retreat to an online format. Summer weather has opened the option of an outdoor ceremony at Blue Mountain Zendo, weather permitting, and indoor zazen in the morning with appropriate spacing.
Only the jukai participants and guests will attend in person, but everyone is warmly invited to attend both the half-day retreat and the outdoor jukai ceremony online. Zoom link will be posted below shortly before.
9:00-noon half-day retreat (dharma talk at 10:20)
2:00-4:00 jukai ceremony
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