Please join Myoshin Kate McCandless and visting teacher Jisan Tova Green for a day of poetry practice at Blue Mountain Zendo. Kate and Tova will lightly facilitate a day of shared poetry practice, grounded in zazen , present-moment awareness of body and mind—just this life. We will draw on the natural environment of the garden and forest at Blue Mountain Zendo to nurture our practice.
Everyone welcome.—bring your beginner’s mind, and a poem to share (your own or one by another poet).
Please bring food to share for a potluck lunch. Weather permitting we will eat outdoors. for a poetry picnic.
Teachers: Myoshin Kate McCandless is co-guiding teacher of Mountain Rain Zen. Jisan Tova Green is a teacher at San Francisco Zen Center and liason for the Branching Streams network of Suzuki Roshi lineage sanghas. She will visit Mountain Rain for the weekind of this retreat. Both Kate and Tova have loved and written poety for decades.
Please choose one of the three options below.
Supporting amount ($60): allows us to offer reduced fees to those on limited income.
Basic amount ($40): covers our operating costs
Reduced amount ($20): for those on limited income.
Dana: The practice of dana (generosity) is a core value in Buddhist traditions. Retreat fees do not go to the teachers. Voluntary donations to the teachers can be made at the retreat, or online.
Transportation: On the registration form there is a place to indicate whether you need or can offer a ride, and from what location. Please offer if you can. We’ll do our best to match everyone up.