A six-week dharma seminar with Myoshin Kate McCandless. Part of our regular Wednesday evening practice schedule, at both locations. Please scroll down for PDFs of readings for each week.
For centuries, from ancient China to the present day, poetry has been a way to give expression to the direct experience of reality so emphasized in Zen practice. And poetry in Zen is often a dialogue between poet and poet, poet and reader/listener. In this dharma seminar we will explore how Zen poets through the ages have expressed their realization, and how we respond to them. We’ll start with the Chinese Zen poets of the eighth century. We are ending with contemporary zen poets, and may even do some writing ourselves.
After two zazen periods, there will be an informal talk (talks will be posted on the website), followed by small and large group circles, and sometimes a short writing exercise. Please bring a notebook and writing implement. There will be no pressure to produce or to share writing, simply a gentle invitation to respond with words.
Weekly readings and supplementary material will be posted on this webpage, but there is no need to prepare in advance.
By donation to MRZC and dana to the teacher.
Week one—Chinese poetry PDF of readings: Click here
Week two—Japanese poetry PDF OF readings: Click here