The Zen ox-herding pictures, originating in China, are delightful folk images of a young ox-herder whose quest leads him to tame, train, and transform his heart and understanding, symbolized by the ox. There are various versions of the ox-herding pictures, some accompanied by poems and commentaries. Although the images can be seen as a linear progression to awakening, in the Soto tradition they are seen as points that we may return to again and again in our practice as we deepen our understanding.
How do we tame our own ox? And when we do, then then do we live? The ox-herding teachings can help clarify our understanding as we walk the Buddhist path.
Dharma seminar sessions will consist of two zazen periods, an informal talk, writing reflections (bring a notebook), small/large group discussion, followed by tea and snacks in the kitchen. Everyone welcome! By donation.