We are inherently relational beings, not only as social primates, but as beings alive within complex systems of relationships with other beings of the plant, animal and elemental realms, upon which our lives depend. But aren’t our relationships with other humans, particularly those closest to us, the most challenging?: Negotiating our inevitable differences across the many walls that divide us—age, gender, race/ethnicity, culture, attitudes—can seem a territory littered with landmines.
In this dharma seminar we will explore ways our Zen practice of mindful awareness supports healthy relationships. and communication based on respect and compassion. Buddhist teachings help us to hold a wide, deep and complex view that can hold multiple perspectives. We will include practices you can utilize in daily life and relationships.
We will draw on teachings and exercises from Diane Musho Hamilton’s Everything is Workable: A Zen Approach to Conflict Resolution and The Zen of You and Me: A Guide to Getting along with Just About Anyone, as well as other sources.
Dharma seminar sessions consist of two zazen periods, an informal talk, writing reflections (bring a notebook), small/large group talking circles, followed by tea and snacks in the kitchen. Everyone welcome! By donation.