Words fail in the face of the anguish we've witnessed in the United States this past week in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, coming at a time when the burden of suffering due to Covid-19 has fallen so disproportionately on African-Americans, also Latino and Native Americans, also urban, low-income people, and of course the elderly.. Words fail, and yet we must speak, and name: racism, police violence, injustice... And we must be willing to investigate and respond to these harms not just by pointing our fingers south of the border, but by looking deeply into our own hearts, our own society, our own country.
Our bodhisattva vows pledge us to speak and act, not from hatred, or from self-righteousness, but from deep insight into human greed, hatred and delusion, and a heart of compassion. Many Soto Zen sanghas in the US have committed to 49 days of meditation, ritual, and mourning for George Floyd and for all who suffer from systemic racism and other forms of injustice. As part of this commitment for the next six weeks we will devote our Wednesday evening dharma seminars to teachings from dharma teachers of colour, such as Angel Kyodo Williams, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel and Larry Yang . What does liberation from suffering mean from their perspectives?
Dharma seminar sessions consist of two zazen periods, an informal talk, writing reflections (bring a notebook), small/large group talking circles. Everyone welcome! By donation.
To join on Zoom please click here. Meeting ID: 840 4895 3267
One tap mobile: +16475580588,,84048953267# Canada +17789072071,,84048953267# Canada