Join Sangha members Dr. Fred Bass and Nomon Dave Chang for the Spring 2021 EcoSattva Training course. The course will begin Tuesday March 9, 7:30-9:00 and will meet every 2nd week until June 15.
The course offers a rich Buddhist perspective on the ecological and social justice crises we face and how we can engage meaningfully and compassionately.
Background: One Earth Sangha, a group of North American Buddhists very concerned with the ecological and social justice issues facing the world, has been offering, since 2015, an online, EcoSattva Training course. It invites those from all spiritual backgrounds to explore from a Buddhist perspective the ecological and societal challenges that we face. EcoSattva Training keeps in mind the universe, its creatures, our global situation and how these connect to our present experience, values and practices.
The course encourage participants to venture along the EcoSattva (Buddhist-influenced) path, which implies developing a commitment to:
living on the earth lightly,
working on healing the world from the harms it faces,
facing personal discomfort in meeting the challenges of liberation (awakening),
drawing inspiration and guidance from the living earth,
helping others in their work for the world, and
pursuing a daily spiritual practice that supports the above vows.
For a course outline and description of the One Earth teachers see:
The course is comprised of eight sessions, each discussing 2-3 videos that feature One Earth teachers. Participants meet on Zoom, every 2nd Tuesday from 7:30-9:00 PM, March 9 through June 15. Access to the course videos and resources plus continued access to these resources for one year will cost the participant a group rate of $140 Canadian (if our group has 7-10 participants), minus scholarship financial aid (which One Earth offers to anyone who applies for a scholarship before they register).
In Mountain Rain Zen’s 2020 experience with EcoSattva Training, a majority of participants developed much enthusiasm for the course, for the teacher-videos and for the sharing that takes place among participants. We are reducing the number of participants from 12 to 10 to provide more time for discussion. We’ll have two facilitators (Fred Bass and Dave Chang, both from Mountain Rain) instead of one.
In this time of the Covid-19 pandemic and of many other crises, this course offers a rich exploration of the spiritual dimensions of life on this changing planet.
To register, ask [cell: 604-657-1481] to send you the link to the One Earth website that gets you into the Spring2021MtnRainZen and gives you a discounted group rate (about $140 Cndn).
For further information, please contact Fred Bass at or Fred's cell at 604-657-1481.
The registration process is a bit complex so please enquire or register early.