Dogen Zenji brought Soto Zen practice from China to Japan in the thirteenth century. His writings have come to be known world-wide for their poetic and paradoxical language, and penetrating depth. Studying Dogen together we can widen and deepen our perspectives on practice.
At this retreat we will continue our study of Dogen’s text Continuous Practice (Part One) and another text, Receiving the Precepts, to see how ethical conduct is an expression of continuous practice. Using story, poetry and imagery Dogen expresses his radical vision of the unity of practice and awakening as dynamic lived experience.
A study retreat is an opportunity to focus on a Zen text intensively, in community, and to apply Dogen’s words to our zazen practice and everyday lives. The retreat will include periods of zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), dharma talks each day, small and large group discussion, and reflective writing or art.
Everyone welcome, whether you are new to Zen practice or experienced.
About the Teacher: Myoshin Kate McCandless is a Zen Buddhist priest and co-guiding teacher of Mountain Rain Zen Community. She first encountered Dogen’s teachings when practicing with Shohaku Okumura Roshi in Kyoto, Japan in the mid-1980s and has continued to find them wonderfully inexhaustible.
Schedule: Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 Sunday: 9:00 - 12:00
Detailed schedule HERE
Note that on Sunday afternoon there will be a Jukai Ceremony for five sangha members. Please click here for details.
For a PDF download of Chant Book click HERE || Name of chant and page number HERE
Please note: The chants will not be screen-shared. Please have the chantbook open for service.
For reading number ONE click HERE || For reading number TWO click HERE
Please note: It would be helpful if you could print out the readings in advance, or at least have them open during the dharma talks and small groups.
To add names for Memorial service click HERE
To add names to Well-being service click HERE
Retreat fees:
In-person: $60 full fee $30 reduced fee for those on limited income
Online: sliding scale depending on your participation and means
Your additional contributions allow us to offer reduced fees.
Retreat fees only cover expenses. Dana to the teacher can be given by e-transfer, Paypal or cash, or cheque.
Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Meeting ID: 836 8979 6223. Passcode: 876945
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