/Myoshin Kate McCandless offers insight into how, even with all the challenges the holiday season might bring, we can experience joy as one of the noble abodes.
Soto Zen Practice in Vancouver, BC
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Myoshin Kate McCandless offers insight into how, even with all the challenges the holiday season might bring, we can experience joy as one of the noble abodes.
Shinmon Michael Newton asks how we might best respond to the uncertainty that is always present in our lives. In what way does living in sangha provide an opportunity to meet the unexpected and experience what enables the heart to be at peace?
Shinmon Michael Newton suggests that continuous practice is not a burden - it is simply the ever deepening expression of ones life.
Myoshin Kate McCandless offers a meditation on fire and explores how the elements give and destroy life even though they have no separate self nature.
In this talk, Mysohin Kate McCandless suggests that the more we attend to our relationships with the elements, the better we can care for the beings and ecosystems with which our lives interdepend.
Myoshin Kate McCandless offers various practices which can help us maintain and care for our sangha relationships.
Shinmon Michael Newton presents the first in a series of seminars based on the lively Q&A book What Is Zen: Plain Talk for a Beginner's Mind by Norman Fischer and Susan Moon.
Myoshin Kate McCandless describes how the eight-fold path and the eight awakenings support us in knowing how much is enough, even as we are steeped in a culture of hyper-materialism.
MRZC's Soto Zen practice emphasizes being fully awake to our own moment-to-moment experience, from our meditation cushion to every aspect of our everyday life. Join us!
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Young Urban Zen (ZenYU) is an informal drop-in practice group for people curious about meditation, and how it relates to daily life.
Mountain Rain Zen Community
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Banner: Blue Mountains Walking by Bruce Shotoku Nielsen (2013)