Opening the Hand of Thought (Chapter 1)

Mayne Island resident and longtime MRZC practice leader Jikai Vicki Turay continues our exploration of Opening the Hand of Thought by Japanese Zen teacher Kosho Uchiyama Roshi. She dives into Uchiyama's discourse on the cultivation of sweet persimmons, how Buddhist practice can manifest and flourish in the West, and how the practice of zazen helps us awaken to our universal nature.

Opening the Hand of Thought (Intro)

“Zazen is precisely the posture of sitting in the sphere of absolute peace of mind that is like the big sky in which the many clouds of thoughts come and go.” (Kōshō Uchiyama)

Shinmon Michael Newton introduces Opening the Hand of Thought by twentieth century Japanese Zen teacher Kosho Uchiyama Roshi.

This is the first of a ten week dharma seminar with MRZC guiding teachers and practice leaders. Uchiyama’s teachings are accessible, down-to-earth, wise and humorous.  He was a student of Kodo Sawaki Roshi ("Homeless Kodo"), and the teacher of Shohaku Okumura Roshi, Kate and Michael's first Soto Zen teacher in Japan. If you have the book you are welcome to follow along, but advance reading is not necessary.