Continuous Practice
/Shinmon Michael Newton suggests that continuous practice is not a burden - it is simply the ever deepening expression of ones life.
Soto Zen Practice in Vancouver, BC
Recent talks can be found below.
These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please consider supporting our work with a donation. Thank you!
You can browse all past talks by speaker, date, category, and program in our archive found HERE
Shinmon Michael Newton suggests that continuous practice is not a burden - it is simply the ever deepening expression of ones life.
Jakushin Todd Slobogean continues our dharma seminar on What is Zen? by sharing personal reflections on the question of how a person changes after many years of practice.
Myoshin Kate McCandless offers a meditation on fire and explores how the elements give and destroy life even though they have no separate self nature.
Unmon Jacob Butula's talk offers a clear perspective on chapter 9 of Zoketsu Norman Fischer and Sue Moon's book What is Zen?
If our tradition is primarily about integrating the dharma into everyday life, with no steps and stages, why is zen so full of complicated rituals and hierarchies?
In this talk, Mysohin Kate McCandless suggests that the more we attend to our relationships with the elements, the better we can care for the beings and ecosystems with which our lives interdepend.
Nin-En Susan Elbe continues our dharma seminar on Sue Moon and Zoketsu Norman Fischer's book, What is Zen?, offering the insight that zen art can open us to an ineffable truth that goes beyond words. Can art be an expression of spirit?
Shinmon Michael Newton explores how we might wholeheartedly engage the Way when cooking, cleaning, tending the sick and elderly, caring for a pet - asking if we can bring a joyful sense of service to our labour.
Kakuko Kaye Simard explores Sue Moon and Zoketsu Norman Fischer's understanding of the promises and fruits of awakening.
MRZC's Soto Zen practice emphasizes being fully awake to our own moment-to-moment experience, from our meditation cushion to every aspect of our everyday life. Join us!
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Young Urban Zen (ZenYU) is an informal drop-in practice group for people curious about meditation, and how it relates to daily life.
Mountain Rain Zen Community
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Banner: Blue Mountains Walking by Bruce Shotoku Nielsen (2013)