Words from the Teachers- August 2024
/Dear Sangha Friends,
We are grateful for the recent rain, and the fresh air that has followed. At the same time our thoughts are with those in the wildfire zones of BC and Alberta, as well as other locations around the world. Many have lost their homes and livelihood; Not only humans but plants and animals, oceans and forests, the very ecosystems upon which our lives depend--all are experiencing the impact of the increasingly extreme and frequent weather events generated by climate change.
You may sometimes wonder: what good does Zen practice do in the face of such grave threats? There is no answer that can be measured or quantified, but we deeply believe that if your practice, in any measure, supports:
a deep understanding of the impermanence and boundless interconnection of all things
the intention to live a fully awake, conscious life of benefit to others
speech, conduct and livelihood that actualize wisdom and compassion
right effort, concentration and mindfulness that extend from our meditation cushion to every aspect of our lives...
then it does make a difference in how you meet the most challenging times in life, and it matters to others in ways you may never know.
You probably recognized the eight-fold path in those points. We could as easily have listed the paramitas of generosity, patience, ethical conduct, joyful effort and wisdom--plus skillful means and courage. Please take courage--the world needs our practice.
Warm bows,
Myoshin Kate and Shinmon Michael