The vow to save all beings can be extremely daunting in this world of 7.4 billion human beings, countless plant and animal beings--and so much suffering. In this six-week dharma seminar with our resident teachers, we will consider what it means to walk the path of the bodhisattva in these troubled times. We will draw on teachings from ancient equally troubled times, and we will listen to the voices of contemporary dharma teachers who actively address how to take our practice into engagement in the world. Some topics: Roots of discrimination/roots of compassion; Conscience and Courage; Personal Vows, Shared Vows; and more.
Wednesday evening schedule: 7:00 zazen, 7:25 kihin, 7:35 zazen 8:00 informal talk followed by small/large group discussion, tea and snacks
Everyone is welcome to attend to whatever extent they are able, but those who are registered practice period participants will receive a weekly email with announcements, supplementary material and topics for reflection. For more information on our 2016 practice period please click Practice Period Guide.
Dharma seminar schedule (subject to change):
Sept. 28 How does a bodhisattva view the world?
Oct. 5 "The New Bodhisattva" sangha-led discussion on reading from David Loy's A New Buddhist Path
Oct. 12 Bodhisattva's conscience, bodhisattva's courage.
Oct. 19 How does a bodhisattva deal with conflict?
Oct. 26 How does a bodhisattva speak truth to power?
Nov. 2 How does a bodhisattva meet "the other"?
Nov. 9How does a bodhisattva have hope for the future?