Do you ever feel like you’re on a cliff-edge, just managing to stay upright and functioning in you life, or in a relationship, or job—like if a strong gust of wind comes along, you might be swept right off into the abyss below? Does it feel sometimes as though the earth itself is on the edge of catastrophe?
Roshi Joan Halifax of Upaya Zen Centre, distills the wisdom of decades of engaged Zen practice in her new book, Standing on Edge: Finding freedom where fear and courage meet. In this dharma seminar we will draw on her work to explore six edge-states: altruism, empathy, integrity, respect, engagement and compassion, the ways each can expand our capacity to be of benefit to others, the ways each can be distorted by self-interest, and the practices that support each edge-state.
Dharma seminar sessions consist of two zazen periods, an informal talk, writing reflections (bring a notebook), small/large group talking circles, followed by tea and snacks in the kitchen. Everyone welcome! By donation.