Living the Heart Sutra (M&W sesshin day 6)
/Shinmon Michael Newton shares teachings about mantra and suggests the Heart Sutra is chanted the better to drink it in, helping gather body and mind in times of distress, loss, and confusion.
Soto Zen Practice in Vancouver, BC
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Shinmon Michael Newton shares teachings about mantra and suggests the Heart Sutra is chanted the better to drink it in, helping gather body and mind in times of distress, loss, and confusion.
Mysohin Kate McCandless discusses how to practice with hindrances. When we free ourselves from fear, that gift extends out through the world in ways that we may never know.
Shinmon Michael Newton helps unpack the final chapter of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi's book, Opening the Hand of Thought, in which there are seven clear instructions on how to orient our lives to practice.
Myoshin Kate McCandless shares experiences from her recent pilgrimage to Ireland, and asks how we might reconcile human contradictions at the personal, national and global levels. How do we resolve the human koan in which we are all implicated?
Daikan John Green shares a few thoughts about what could be considered a true teaching, and what might be conveyed or created by something else in the past.
Guest monk, Rev. Gyokei Yokohama, ponders what stays the same, what gets lost in translation, and what influences are shared back and forth between the way people practice in North America and the way people practice in Japan.
Jakushin Todd Slobogean tames the relentless meandering of his neuro-diverse mind to bring us thoughts on the Kalama Sutra and the Island Sutra (the Attadiipaa Sutta - The Buddha’s Last Teaching).
Jikai Vicki Turay shares anecdotes and insights from her path and practice leading to lay entrustment.
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Banner: Blue Mountains Walking by Bruce Shotoku Nielsen (2013)