Way Seeking Mind Talk - Hotei Denis Fafard
/Hotei Denis Fafard explores how being a boddhisatva is fundamentally an audacious act of imagination.
Soto Zen Practice in Vancouver, BC
Recent talks can be found below.
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You can browse all past talks by speaker, date, category, and program in our archive found HERE
Hotei Denis Fafard explores how being a boddhisatva is fundamentally an audacious act of imagination.
Continuing the dharma seminar on Kosho Uchiyama's writing, Kakuko Kaye Simard describes intensive practice, shikantaza, and how sesshin is an opportunity to sink firmly and nobly into our bones.
Jikai Vicki Turay shares anecdotes and insights from her path and practice leading to lay entrustment.
Dai-i Flo Rublee continues our dharma seminar on Uchiyama Roshi's wonderful book. Chapter three is an exploration of how to wake-up to zazen and see our thoughts, desires, and delusions as the scenery of life.
On the second day of our weekend retreat, Zoketsu Norman Fischer tells stories from the Denkoroku, which presents transmission stories of the lineage of Soto Zen ancestors.
In the first of two dharma talks from our weekend retreat, Zoketsu Norman Fischer muses on how sitting zazen can help cultivate the great perfect mirror of awareness.
In part three of this dharma seminar on Kosho Uchiyama's writing, Daikan offers thoughts on zazen and what it means to open a space between the conscious mind and the universal self.
Myoshin Kate McCandless explores what it is about a pilgrimage that makes it particularly layered and vivid, and offers practices for pilgrimage.
For a PDF of Practices for Pilgrimage Click here
MRZC's Soto Zen practice emphasizes being fully awake to our own moment-to-moment experience, from our meditation cushion to every aspect of our everyday life. Join us!
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Young Urban Zen (ZenYU) is an informal drop-in practice group for people curious about meditation, and how it relates to daily life.
Mountain Rain Zen Community
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Banner: Blue Mountains Walking by Bruce Shotoku Nielsen (2013)