Zen, Karate, and Kiai - Zed Talk with Michael Hare

Michael Hare describes how his different communities of practice weave together like the threads of a martial arts belt.

ZED (Zen Engaged Dharma) talks are short talks by sangha members about how they take their practice into the world, through work, art, activism, service, family life, etc. and how their practice supports them in doing so.

Rohatsu sesshin - Living in Indra's Net: the Avatamsaka Sutra and Beyond (7)

Mysohin Kate McCandless gives the last talk of sesshin and concludes the story of Sudhana’s pilgrimage.

We only exist within the vast matrix of Indra’s Net, therefore the work of a Bodhisattva is never solitary. The greatest gift we can bring to the world is to give up our self-clinging.